Oracle Fusion SOA 11G Training - Bangalore

Tuesday, 28 February, 2012

Item details

City: Bangalore, Karnataka
Offer type: Sell
Price: Rs 1


Contact name Mr Prasad
Phone 9008004178

Item description

iTech iNformatica is a specialized training school for learning application development, testing, deployment of Oracle Fusion Middleware. Training sessions are led by 10 yrs experienced Fusion Middleware Professional. We will make avail all kinds of Training materials to trainees.

Duration : 25 to 30 Hrs
Address : No 10 Vedas, 6th B Cross, CV Raman Nagar, Bangalore 93
For further details, Please contact Mr. Prasad on 9008004178 or
Topics Covered: – XML, XSD, XPATH, WSDL, SOAP, Webservices, Fusion Middleware Installation, BPEL , Mediator, FTP Adapter, File Adapter, DB Adapter, JMS Adapter, EDN, Human Work Flow, Business Rules & Error Handling, Domain Value Mapping, Jave Embedding, Meta Data Services, Dynamic JNDI Concepts, SOA Design and Build Standards, Application Deployment using build plan, SOA Server Administration, Database and FTP Tools, Webservice Testing Tools, Real Time Scenarios, Case Study.
Key Features of Program
•Training Materials will be provided
•Hands on based on Real Time Projects
•Assistance to set up a SOA 11G instance in your computer
•Assistance to prepare your Resume
•Discussion forum to discuss your real time issues after Training and Placement

Detailed Syllabus
Introduction to the Course and Course Contents
Describe Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) concepts
Details about what to download and from where for SOA 11g Installation
Technical and Business Benefits of SOA
Discussion on market value and prerequisites
Service-Oriented Architecture Concepts
Identify standards that enable SOA – WS, UDDI, SOAP
Review Service Component Architecture (SCA)
Describe Oracle SOA Suite 11g components
Install SOA Suite 11g and configure JDeveloper
Basic Concepts and Weblogic Server 11g - Domains, Servers, Homes
Overview Weblogic Domains and Managed Servers
Orchestrating Services with BPEL
Define a composite application
Describe SOA Composite Editor
Explain BPEL Components activities and partner Links
Understand BPEL designer (JDeveloper) and activities
BPEL PM Designer Layout - the Integration Perspective
Applications and Projects (Composites)
Creating your first BPEL Process
XPath Expression Builder
Deploying the BPEL Process
Managing Deployments/Un-Deployments with Enterprise Manager 11g
Synchronous and Asynchronous BPEL Processes
Orchestrating Services with BPEL
What does synchronous mean
What does asynchronous mean.
Overview of Partner Link.
Create a synchronous process
Create an asynchronous process
Using soapUI for calling and testing web services
Parallel processing and Conditional branching
Create an application to illustrate the use of parallel processing and conditional branching
Advanced BPEL Concepts
Describe Exception Handling in Composite Applications
Describe the Fault Management Framework and its limitations.
Describe Compensation handling within a BPEL process
Describe Correlation concepts
Using Sensors
Throwing simple faults and faults with variable
Returning faults to client by adding fault message to WSDL
How to use Fault Framework (Fault Policy and Fault Binding)
Best practices for fault handling
Human Workflow
Describe Human Workflow Concepts, Features and Architecture
Design Human Tasks and Services
Invoke a Human Task from a BPEL process
Sending an approval notification
Business Rules
Explain business rules concepts
Describe the Oracle Business Rules architecture
Describe Oracle Rules Engine
Create a rule with the Jdeveloper Rules Designer
Integrate a simple rule with a BPEL Process
Embedding Java in BPEL process
Use Java embedding to set/get BPEL variables, for logging
Call an external xml file from bpel using java embedding , read and process the data
Introduction to Adapters
Describe adapter concepts and framework
Describe Technology adapters: File, Database, JMS, etc
Describe Applications Adapters Ebiz suite etc
Read and write a file using file adapter
Publish and subscribe messages using JMS Adapter
More Adapters Concepts
Dynamic Partnerlinks
Externalizing properties using End point properties
Poll for new rows in a table using DB adapter
Insert data into JMS queue using JMS adapter
Working with Mediator Components
Explain the Mediator component and its features
Define business events and the Event Delivery Network (EDN)
Create and configure a Mediator service component
Create Mediator Routing Rules
Create and configure a Mediator service component
Monitoring and managing SOA 11g Deployment
Describe Deploy and Un-deploy SOA Composite application
Describe Management of SOA Composite application using the Enterprise Manager
Describe Configuration Plans for deploying to different environment using single codebase
Deploying applications using Enterprise Manager Console
Using Config Plans for deploying to different environment using single code base
Database and FTP Client Tools
Describes How to use Database and FTP Tools in a production environment
SOA 11G Design and Build Standards
Describes the design standards and implementation best practices adopted by various IT Major Organizations for their integration projects .This defines design and build standard to which designers and developers should adhere to when designing and building Oracle FMW components. The standards provide consistency within the integration layer, and will also assist less experienced designers and developers on how to effectively use the tools within Oracle SOA and BPM.
The standards help insure high quality, extensibility, consistent approach to integration, ease of maintenance, and compatibility with changes. Customizations, modifications, or extensions to integration processes must also follow strict standards for many of the same reasons.
Demo Project
Complete Life Cycle of a Purchase Order Processing System.