We Play best guitar songs in india - Bangalore

Thursday, 25 April, 2019

Item details

City: Bangalore, Karnataka
Offer type: Offer


Contact name vipinkumar

Item description

Suraj Mani is One of the most significant entertainers to have risen up out of the Indian subcontinent over the most recent two decades and obviously a standout amongst the least customary ones, Suraj is a singer, lyricist, writer and performer alongside being an original engineering business visionary running a fruitful central air business in India. Preceding his performance vocation with 'The Tattva Trip', Suraj Mani was the singer-musician and frontman for the musical gang Motherjane. During his vocation as a performance performer and as an individual from motherjane, best guitar songs in india has gotten a various honors including the Rolling Stone Magazine's Best Rock Album, 2008, Jack Daniels Best Rock Vocalist, 2008 and the Leon Ireland Award for Best Singer Songwriter, 2009.
