Best online hotel booking app - Bangalore

Tuesday, 4 June, 2019

Item details

City: Bangalore, Karnataka
Offer type: Offer


Contact name Chloe jones

Item description

A Industry Survey say's 60% of the businesses come from OTA (Online travel agency). For each Guest, these OTA brings to the Hotel, the Hotel pays some percentage as commission as average to OTA. This sounds fair enough when they are getting that Guest first time. If the Guests return to the same hotel second time through OTA, the Hotels need to pay that same percentage commission again, which may not make sense. Here's where Hotelgeni aims at helping Hotels for creating a bonding with their Guests, with use of digitization and technology, with dedicative offer to customer, along with easy booking through hotel's mobile platform.

With use of Hotelgeni's Guest Management platform, the Hotels can fetch complete Guest data, right from the point of room booking, to the food they order at Hotel's Restaurant, their immediate feedback and the services they book at the hotel, and until they check-out.

With Hotelgeni Mobile App, a multi-mobile platform to offer complete mobile experience to your Hotel Guests, you can easily retain the guest, by providing good experience and special offers . They can get complete access to your hotel room booking through this Mobile App. And, not only the room booking, but they can have access to all the other services at your hotel including front desk, housekeeping and for raising complaints and providing feedback.

This way, Hotelgeni helps hotels to retain their Guests. Also, as a industry standard, if the hotel reputation increase, the hotel's profitability also increases.

Personalized pricing is nothing new in the hotel industry. Providing different rates to different Guests has been done for ages and with success. Guest Data offers hotels the possibility to take revenue management a giant leap forward and start offering truly personalized prices and rooms to guests.

How can these data be obtained?

The data can be obtained by the use of Hotelgeni's Multi-tenanted Guest experience mobile app , and Mobile App, which fetches and stores data of all your Guests in-stay.

By using such data, you may predict the optimal price that can be charged for each Guest. You may also combine such data, at all levels, to improve the overall decision-making in pricing.

For more information on understanding the potentiality of making revenue through sn efficient and result-oriented hoteliering, visit

Hotel Geni, the Best online hotel booking App and booking software.